Information required by law according to § 5 TMG:
Lawyer Jens Jahn
In der Sürst 3
53111 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 - 410 276 59
Fax: 0228 - 410 276 69
Email: info@rajjahn.de
Internet: www.rajjahn.de
Value added tax identification number (VAT ID no.):
DE 271 276 977
Competent supervisory authority:
Cologne Bar Association
Riehler Str. 30
50668 Cologne
Tel.: 0221/973010-0
Fax: 0221/973010-50
Jens Jahn is a member of the Cologne Bar Association and is admitted to the bar in Germany.
He is subject to professional regulations, which are available on the website of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers (www.brak.de). These professional regulations include the following in particular:
- Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO)
- Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers (BORA)
- Specialist lawyer regulations (FAO)
- Lawyers' Fees Act (RVG)
- Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union (CCBE)
According to § 51 BRAO, lawyers are obliged to take out professional liability insurance with a minimum sum insured of EUR 250,000.00. Mr Jens Jahn has professional indemnity insurance with the following insurer:
ERGO Insurance AG
Victoriaplatz 1
40477 Düsseldorf
No guarantee is given for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the contents of this website.
Any liability is excluded.
The legal links mentioned have been compiled without any evaluation of their content; no liability is assumed for the content of these links.
Data protection
If you have any questions or complaints about data protection, please contact the controller within the meaning of the GDPR at info@rajjahn.de.
For any contact by e-mail, we refer to the regulations of our Privacy policywhose regulations you accept by contacting us by e-mail.
Picture credits in the imprint
Andreas Plettenberg; Jens Jahn; Adobe Stock Images: #525038429, #119194753, #109439683, #580328974, #578607079, #121971202, #296675646, #170017144, #109439683, #219378191, #205104821, #92618371, #127051205