Mr Jens Jahn has been authorised by the Cologne Bar Association to use the title "Specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law". This title was awarded on the basis of proven special theoretical knowledge and special practical experience.
In addition, Jens Jahn has successfully completed the specialist lawyer training for the specialist lawyer title for traffic law at the Hagen Law School. He regularly attends further training courses to deepen and update his knowledge.

- Born in Bonn in 1981
- Studied law in Freiburg im Breisgau and Bonn
- 2006 1st state examination in law
- 2009 2nd state examination in law
- 2009 Admission to the bar
- Specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law since 2015
- 2015 Graduate of the specialist lawyer training programme for traffic law
- Married, two children

The professional and prompt enforcement of the individual interests of our clients is at the centre of our firm's activities.
In particular, our activities include competent advice, out-of-court representation, judicial enforcement of your claims and defence of your interests in court and before the authorities, as well as the subsequent enforcement of your claims in the context of compulsory enforcement.
The legal representation refers to all local, labour, social, financial, administrative, regional and higher regional courts of the Federal Republic of Germany.

As a rule, lawyers' fees are based on the German Lawyers' Fees Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz).
The value of the matter as well as the scope, difficulty and importance of the matter for the client are decisive for the fee claim.
It is also possible to contractually regulate the lawyer's fee within the framework of a remuneration agreement to be concluded.

We take you and your concerns seriously and are appreciative in our dealings with each other

We follow up every request with due professionalism, no matter from which area

You can rely on us: we keep our promises, whether verbally or in writing.

Everything from one source
You have only one contact person: we accompany you from the beginning to the end of your request